One of the most pressing issues is the unification of the Turkic languages. The common Turkic alphabet is a rational way of uniting the Turkic peoples. Modern graphic systems of the Turkic peoples are based on Latin, Cyrillic and Arabic graphics, and they are diverse. As a result, despite the proximity and kinship of the sound structure, the alphabets of the Turkic languages and their orthography are very different from each other.
The article raises the problem of unifying the writing of the Turkic peoples and suggests the ways to solve it. It is scientifically (theoretically) justified that only through a stable alphabet, the common textual space is formed that is understandable in terms of reading/pronunciation for all Turkic peoples. For this purpose, linguists who specialize in studying different languages must agree on the unification of alphabetic systems.
About the Author
A. ZhunisbekKazakhstan
Chief Researcher, Doctor of Philology, Professor Almaty
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For citations:
Zhunisbek A. ABOUT THE COMMON TURKIC LATIN ALPHABET. Tiltanym. 2020;(2):3-11. (In Kazakh)