
Celebration and including mass holidays


   This article examines the forms and directions of organizing mass holidays, examines the ways of the future teacher-organizer work with the public, adapting holidays to the stage. It also analyzes samples of the celebration of the holiday among different nations, determines the forms of emotional impact. During the event, the features of a mass holiday and the nature of its celebration were considered, the significance and significance of folk holidays were analyzed.
   Today, the legality of staging, bringing scenarios to the public, creating scenarios, creating positive impressions for the general public is being transformed in a new way. The future organizer must know the stages of writing a simple script and the elements of directing, taking into account the modern requirements and desires of the general
   Before referring to the work of a large dramatic work, we can say that the organizer - the screenwriter must know the genres of small drama; For example, the legend must know the structure of the fairy tales recited on the stage.
   Input a word in this article, the level of emotional impact on public holidays, events. Also, the ways of preparing the directors of national holidays.

About the Authors

A. Kospagarova
Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University

master, teacher


L. Amankulova
Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University

master, teacher



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For citations:

Kospagarova A., Amankulova L. Celebration and including mass holidays. Tiltanym. 2018;(1):29-37. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)