Today, the field of orthoepy is one of the least developed, since the problems of orthoepy are not given due attention in kindergartens, schools, and even at the philological faculties of universities. In this regard, N. Uali notes that due to careless study of spelling rules, there are unjustified deviations from the norms of pronunciation of the literary language. S. Myrzabekov writes that errors in pronunciation are mainly due to underestimation of the relationship between oral and written forms of the language, the lack of promotion of orthoepy. Both oral and written speech have their own system and characteristics. When reading a written text, it is necessary to observe the norms of oral speech. The need to comply with orthoepic rules is obvious. Correct pronunciation makes communication easier; it will be pleasant and understandable to the listener, provided that the original harmony, rhythm, and melody of the speech are preserved.
The article deals with some problems of Kazakh orthoepy. Despite the fact that dictionaries, reference books, and researches related to orthoepy have been published, the use of words outside of compliance with orthoepic norms takes place in everyday communication. In other words, the sound features typical of the Kazakh language, the harmony of sounds are not preserved, but, on the contrary, the words are pronounced as they are written. So, in the speech of young people, the norms of pronunciation of consonants are violated when there is no voicing of voiceless consonants. Thus, the principle is not observed, according to which oral speech has its own system, just as written speech has its own one.
About the Author
Zh. T. ZhumabayevaKazakhstan
Leading researcher, Candidate of philological sciences
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For citations:
Zhumabayeva Zh.T. SOME PROBLEMS OF KAZAKH ORTHOEPY. Tiltanym. 2020;(2):31-35. (In Kazakh)