The article is devoted to the development and formation of the system of plurality affixes in the Turkic languages on the basis of comparative historical analysis. Changes in all grammatical forms of the Turkic languages, as a result of which variants arose, were not fully preserved either in the written monuments of the Turks or in the modern Turkic languages. Which form is preserved, in which language, directly depends on the specifics of the development of this language. Differences in grammatical forms between the language of the Kipchak monuments of the XIV-XV centuries and the modern Kazakh Language originate form these regularities
About the Author
B. SagyndyqulyKazakhstan
Professor of Kazakh Philology, Doctor of Philology
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For citations:
Sagyndyquly B. THE HISTORICAL SYSTEM OF PLURAL FORMATION. Tiltanym. 2020;(1):10-19. (In Kazakh)