
Methods of transmission of borrowed words in the Kazakh language


   Currently, the comprehensive study of oral speech is one of the topical problems in linguistics. It is especially necessary to consider changes in vowels in the syntagmatic system with the help of speech data, such processes as the transformation of non-labialized vowels into labialized ones, as well as the voicing of voiceless consonants. Based on the works of researchers considering the variant and variation of the phoneme, the weak and not weak position of the vowels was considered.
   The article discusses the function of vowel sounds in syntagmatics. The texts in which the vowel sounds of the Kazakh language are present are analyzed. Thephoneticsarethe phonological characteristics of vowelsounds.

About the Authors

Zh. T. Zhumabayeva
A. Baytursynov Institute of Linguistics

Senior Researcher, Candidate of Philological Sciences


A. Amanbaeva
A. Baytursynov Institute of Linguistics

Senior Researcher, Candidate of Philological Sciences



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2. Сыздық Р. Қазақ тілінің анықтағышы. – Астана, 2000. – 532 б.

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For citations:

Zhumabayeva Zh.T., Amanbaeva A. Methods of transmission of borrowed words in the Kazakh language. Tiltanym. 2018;(1):46-51. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)