The role of A. Bukeikhan's astronomical works in the development of Kazakh literary language
In order for a term to appear and form in a language, it must be reflected in textbooks, scientific literature and stabilized within the framework of oral use. In this regard, textbooks occupy a special place. In the first half of the twentieth century, the work of the leader of the nation Alikhan Bukeikhan, who made a huge contribution to the formation of the National Scientific Language of Astronomy, is to be studied.
The oldest vocabulary of the astronomical books was analyzed and analyzed by the twentieth century; considered as astronomical terms in Alikhan Bokeyhan‘s manuals in the context of nationalterminology.
The oldest vocabulary of the astronomical books was analyzed and analyzed by the twentieth century; considered as astronomical terms in Alikhan Bokeyhan ‘s manuals in the context of national terminology.
About the Author
G. B. KobdenovaKazakhstan
Researcher, Candidate of Philological Sciences
1. Қыр баласы. Дүниенің құрылысы (Д.Граведен аударған). Мәскеу: Кеңес Одағындағы елдердің кіндік баспасы, 1926. – 101 б.
2. Қыр баласы. Астрономия әліп-биі (К.Фламмарионнан аударған). Мәскеу, Кеңес Одағындағы елдердің кіндік баспасы, 1924. – 225 б.
For citations:
Kobdenova G.B. The role of A. Bukeikhan's astronomical works in the development of Kazakh literary language. Tiltanym. 2018;(1):52-59. (In Kazakh)