Communicative function characterizing the potential of a word in literary texts
In modern Kazakh linguistics, in the established anthropocentric studies, special attention is paid to the study of behavior, human being through language. It is possible to indicate the following theoretical and methodological scientific paradigms that implement specific research in this direction: the pragmatics of the text (the language of a literary text), discourse, the theory of «linguistic personality», etc. In this regard, it is important to study the communicative-pragmatic and cultural-social activities of the Kazakh word in newspaper lexicon, literary text, scientific works.
The article is devoted to the problem of research of the communicative- pragmatic function, characterizing the potential of words in the artistic texts of Kazakh writers.
About the Author
Zh. A. MankeevaKazakhstan
Chief Researcher, Doctor of Philology
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For citations:
Mankeeva Zh.A. Communicative function characterizing the potential of a word in literary texts. Tiltanym. 2018;(2):3-7. (In Kazakh)