Features of periphrase use in Kazakh language
Language features and stylistic features of the periphrasis once again emphasize that our language is rich in artistic and visual means. At the same time, the syntactic semantic unit of the periphrasis represents synthetic and analytical forms. Unlike words formed in the language of periphrasis in a free combination, it is ready to complement the word that stands behind it, and peripheral combinations are limited in number than simple phrases. The use of periphrases in the language helps to understand the nature of artistic language, to understand the relationship between tradition and novelty, the artistic world of the author, and the complex development of the culture of highly artistic words.
Structural and semantic periphrases are described in the article. Types of combinations of grammatical periphrasis.. The types of combinations of grammatical periphrasis were also shown.
About the Author
A. A. SoltanbekovaKazakhstan
Researcher, Candidate of Philological Sciences
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For citations:
Soltanbekova A.A. Features of periphrase use in Kazakh language. Tiltanym. 2018;(2):15-20. (In Kazakh)