Factors influencing the choice and development of letter (the issue of transition the Kazakh language into the Latin alphabet)
In connection with the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet, the article examines the factors affecting the historical choice of letters by different peoples, as well as various types and systems of writing. Particular attention is paid in the article to the Latin alphabet, which prevails in the world and, in essence, became the world alphabet. According to the author, the introduction of the Latin script would allow the Kazakh society to integrate more with the Turkic-speaking peoples and connect to the global information space.
The article examines the factors influencing the choice and development of writing. Each writing system is charachterized by its purpose (function), its type, for example, syllabic or letter-sound, as well as letter composition, meaning, form and basic principles of the use of written signs.
About the Author
S. Kh. MukhamadiyevKazakhstan
Assistant Professor, Candidate of Philosophy
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For citations:
Mukhamadiyev S.Kh. Factors influencing the choice and development of letter (the issue of transition the Kazakh language into the Latin alphabet). Tiltanym. 2018;(2):20-26. (In Russ.)