Theoretical and practical basis of terminological science
The process of language development is an uninterrupted phenomenon. New terms enrich the lexical base of the language and contribute to the development of terminological vocabulary. Any term used in society requires social support, linguistic systematization. Therefore, the creation, formation, systematization of terminology, regulation, definition of directions of development of general and technical terminology - current issues of modernity.
This article provides information about the theoretical and practical foundations of domestic and foreign terminology, comparing their advantages and disadvantages.
About the Authors
S. B. BektemirovaKazakhstan
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences
Department of General Linguistics and European Languages
Z. A. Umirova
master student joint educational programs of research institutes
2nd year
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For citations:
Bektemirova S.B., Umirova Z.A. Theoretical and practical basis of terminological science. Tiltanym. 2018;(2):40-53. (In Kazakh)