


The article considers the content aspect of competence, identifies the types of professional eloquence: political and diplomatic eloquence, business and military speech, academic, legal (judicial) eloquence, mass communication, spiritual eloquence, etc. At the same time, the variety of rhetoric includes a system of genres. The set of communication genres that a future official should possess professionally is the basis of his / her communicative competence. The conclusions of the article can be used in the formation of standard and working plans of university specialties.

It is necessary to develop communicative competence of the future specialists in colleges and high schools, their ability to conduct everyday and professional dialogues.

About the Author

V. G. Salagaev
University «Turan»

Professor, Candidate of philological sciences


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For citations:

Salagaev V.G. PROFESSIONAL RHETORIC IN HIGH SCHOOLS. Tiltanym. 2015;(3):96-102. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)