Any national language reflects the essence of the ethnic people. The new phase of epistemological process requires a new approach to the study of language. This process is seen in the integrity of language and human consciousness. The result of the human mind is an associative-verbal structures that are studied in the systemic form. All changes that occur in the world, one realizes with the help of perception of the world, not limited cognitive contemplation, he finds answers to the information that is processed, updates and interprets, evaluates, uses personal experience. All this forms a linguistic picture of the world. Therefore, samples of the cultural linguistic heritage should be investigated as national symbols, which are learned through language. The basis of national symbols are signs that in every language, no doubt, are universal categories. Symbolic nominations, their function in the implementation of the interconnection of the national language consciousness, spiritual and national culture. Language symbols are indicators of the information to make sense of the people, reflecting the traditions and stereotypes, customs and rituals that are stored in the language. In this regard, well-known national spiritual and cultural heritage is recorded in the language as a cultural and historical symbol of the era.
About the Authors
B. Q. QasymKazakhstan
Doctor of philological sciences, professor
Q. Baioralova
Master’s student
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For citations:
Qasym B.Q., Baioralova Q. THE SYMBOLIC FUNCTION OF THE COLOR DESIGNATION OF THE NATIONAL CONTENT. Tiltanym. 2015;(3):103-108. (In Kazakh)