
First examples of the classification of words in Kazakh linguistics


   One of the first examples of the classification of words in the Kazakh language was the work of such scientists as Y. Altynsarin, P. M. Melioransky, I. O. Terentyev. The positions of these scientists in the unification of words in the Kazakh language were analyzed. The contribution of scientists’ works to the linguistics of the Kazakh language was also noted as the first examples of word classification.

   The given article concentrates on the first patterns of word classification in Kazakh linguistics. also the article discusses the work of an educator-teacher Y. Altynsarin as the first scientist, classified words in the Kazakh language. The article also defines the basic principles of word classification proposed by the scientist.

About the Author

A. D. Kegenbekova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; «Gylym Ordasy» complex

undergraduate student of joint educational programs of research institutes

2nd year



1. Сүлейменов Б. С. Ы. Алтынсарин таңдамалы шығармалары: Академия наук казахской СССР. – Алматы, 1955. – 407 б.

2. Мелиоранский П. М. Краткая грамматика казахско-киргизского языка / П. М. Мелиоранский. – Санкт-Петербург: тип. Имп. Акад. наук, 1894. – 78 с.

3. Терентьев М. А. Грамматики турецкая, персидская, киргизская и узбекская. Книга 1 / М. А. Терентьев. – СПб: Типография Императорской Академии Наук, 1875. - 211 с.

4. Қордабаев Т. Ахмет – Ыбырайдың ізбасары / Т. Қордабаев // Қазақстан мектебі, 1998. – № 6. 71–74 б.


For citations:

Kegenbekova A.D. First examples of the classification of words in Kazakh linguistics. Tiltanym. 2018;(2):73-78. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)