Language representation and semiotic features of the «Fire» archetype
The language of humanity is a special phenomenon. This is a living phenomenon that characterizes and marks the broadest kind of human culture, consciousness and mind, logic, psychology. In world linguistics, a new stage of development, focused on the cognitive direction, has formed on the basis of such concepts as emotion, symbol, linguistic consciousness, cognition, has revealed new approaches to the linguistic study of human knowledge. The anthropocentric paradigm is aimed at a person, language problems are explained by the phenomena associated with the human soul. Special attention is paid to the fact that the consciousness, spirituality of a person is manifested in the language. We cannot consider any linguistic unit from a lexico-semantic point of view directly with the human soul. We stop at the concept since concepts at the concept level give wider opportunities for a person and his being and life . In particular, we try to explain the linguistic representation and semiotic features of the concept «fire» using various examples.
The article deals with the linguistic representation and semiotic features of the «Fire»archetype the concept give more opportunities for a person and his life. In particular, we try to explain various examples of linguistic representation and semiotic features of the concept of «Fire».
About the Authors
B. M. SuyerkulKazakhstan
Chief Researcher, Doctor of Philology
G. B. Khalidullaeva
undergraduate student of joint educational programs of research institutes
2nd year
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For citations:
Suyerkul B.M., Khalidullaeva G.B. Language representation and semiotic features of the «Fire» archetype. Tiltanym. 2018;(2):79-86. (In Kazakh)