


Spelling, marking of Kazakh names and names of zher-su in accordance with the norms of the Kazakh literary language, correct Transliteration into other languages (Russian, English) is one of the issues on the agenda. Kazakh onomastics is an industry that carries the weight of the past and the future. Kazakh names and historically formed names of lands-waters, names of celestial bodies, etc. They have been storing historical and cultural information for centuries. Kazakh onomastics is one of our national values, which preserves the centuries – old system of knowledge in the knowledge and life of the Kazakh people. The key to the preservation and continuation of these values is the correct spelling, marking of Kazakh names, names, names of land-water in accordance with the norms of the Kazakh language, the rules of spelling. When correctly spelling Kazakh names, land-water names are guided by the norms of the Kazakh literary language, the rules of spelling.

This article analyzes the problems of spelling of Kazakh anthroponyms and toponyms written in Latin graphics in periodicals of 1931 and 1940.

About the Author

A. D. Serikbaeva
Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov

Junior Researcher


1. Сыздық Р. Тілдік норма және оның қалыптануы (кодификациясы). Көптомдық шығармалар жинағы. – Алматы: Ел-Шежіре, 2014. 15 б.

2. Аманжолов С. Тіл және жазу. Өскемен: С. Аманжолов атындағы ШҚМУ баспасы, 2005. – 404 б.

3. Сыздық Р. «Байтұрсынов жазуы» және емле ереже тарихы [электрон. ресурс] (жүгіну уақыты: 3.10.2015)


For citations:

Serikbaeva A.D. DESIGNATIONS OF KAZAKH ONOMASTICS IN LATIN GRAPHICS (1931-1940). Tiltanym. 2015;(3):140-146. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)