
Determinаtion the frequencies of Kazakh letters and letter combinations makes it possible to switch to the Latin script


   Determining the frequency of letters and their combinations will help to solve several theoretical and practical problems when translating the Kazakh alphabet into the Latin alphabet. Firstly, the frequency of letters and phrases is necessary for the effective placement of letters on the Kazakh keyboard to increase the speed of manual typing, and secondly, for actual numerical data on research and linguistic developments in solving spelling rules in the reform of Kazakh writing, and thirdly, for Cyrillic texts in Latin. Adjusting the frequency is important when creating spelling rules for an automatic translation program, as well as when providing numerical information about target letter combinations and searching for many
example words by looking for words that follow the example letter combinations. The article describes the results of a statistical study of the written text of the Kazakh language at the alphabetical (grapheme) level and the structure of word forms of the Kazakh language: letters, letter combinations, syllables. The basic principle is to consider the letters and syllables in the structure of the word as the simplest visual linguistic units, reflecting the writing abilities of a natural language. The main goal of statistical studies at the graphochemical level is the rational placement of Kazakh letters on the computer keyboard.

   The article deal with the results of statistical studies of letters and letter combinations, as well as the syllables of the Kazakh language, taking into account their positional positions in word forms. This statistical study was conducted to find the convenient location of the letters of the Kazakh alphabet on a computer keyboard.

About the Authors

A. K. Zhubanov
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Philology, Professor


A. A. Zhanabekova
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Philology


D. Tokmyrzaev
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Researcher, Programmer



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For citations:

Zhubanov A.K., Zhanabekova A.A., Tokmyrzaev D. Determinаtion the frequencies of Kazakh letters and letter combinations makes it possible to switch to the Latin script. Tiltanym. 2018;(3):17-29. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)