


A symbol is something that is recognized by the senses. It carries a certain idea that can only be recognized intuitively. The symbol can retain its meaning for a long time and has become permanent for many people. There is a certain rational initiative based on the intuition of the symbol, which has a general and constant character in the symbol and makes it understandable. Considering the rational nature of the symbol begins first of all, with its consideration on the basis of the «linguistic symbol», that is, language, speech. In this case, it is considered as a language target. In this article , the author shows ethnocultural peculiarities of symbolic characters.

About the Author

A. Imangaziyeva
Kazakh language and literature CSI Secondary School named after D.Kunayev

Teacher Almaty region, Panfilov district


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For citations:

Imangaziyeva A. ETHNOCULTURAL PECULIARITIES OF SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS. Tiltanym. 2019;(4):33-36. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)