
NATIONAL BASIS OF TOPONYMIC SPACE OF EAST KAZAKHSTAN (based on the materials of onomastic expedition in the Katon-Karagay region)


It is impossible to say that the toponyms of the East Kazakhstan region are not studied at all, but they are not studied regularly. Therefore, in the future, government agencies or universities will jointly publish an ethnolinguistic dictionary on the topic «Names of lands and waters of East Kazakhstan», considering this problem as a research project, through expeditionary work, scientific analysis of the collected materials and studying them in connection with history. The publication of an ethnolinguistic dictionary is one of the tasks solved collectively. Onomastic names are a well-known concept, like ordinary words, although they do not have an independent lexical meaning, but they contain a lot of information.
The topographic system of the rich onomastic fund of the Kazakh language contains a huge amount of ethnocognitive information about the Kazakh ethnos. Regional toponyms are a source of rich material in ethnocognitive, linguo-historical, ethnocultural attitude not only to this region, but also to the Kazakh topo-system as a whole. The names of this group give extensive information about the life of the local population in this region, in the historical, social, and in the historical and linguistic aspects.

About the Author

A. Askerkhanova
Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovative University



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For citations:

Askerkhanova A. NATIONAL BASIS OF TOPONYMIC SPACE OF EAST KAZAKHSTAN (based on the materials of onomastic expedition in the Katon-Karagay region). Tiltanym. 2019;(4):41-47. (In Kazakh)

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