
Words must be correctly marked


   In recent years, some countries switch to the Latin alphabet, and some countries prefer to live in Cyrillic. Almost twenty years have passed since the Uzbek, Azerbaijani and Turkmen peoples moved to the Latin alphabet. However, it is impossible to say that the alphabet of these countries was unique and easily adapted to society. This is due to the complexity of the correct layout of the letter, the lack of literature in the new alphabet, the lack of computer programs. 

   This trend will certainly be a broad road that will lead the people to world civilization, and it helps to obtain accurate, reliable information quickly, changing society every day. At the same time, relations with Turkic-speaking peoples, foreign kindred brothers, who for many years were in an empty, vacuum information space, could be regulated. This decision was supported by the Kazakh society in general and began to react quickly.

About the Author

N. K. Shulenbaev
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Researcher, Master of Arts



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For citations:

Shulenbaev N.K. Words must be correctly marked. Tiltanym. 2018;(3):54-63. (In Kazakh)

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