The pedagogical way
Each area has its own teacher. It’s the same in science. A science teacher who did not strive for fame and glory, who truly loved his pursuit of science, who cared about his students and who encouraged me to choose the path of study. Uncle Alimkhan is always in the hearts of his students as a great man with a gentle character, gloomy mood, generosity and civic qualities. A. Zhunisbek is a scientist who formed his own research school in Kazakh linguistics. He is a scientist who has had countless students throughout
his career.
The article describes various types of Kazakh phonetics, which contributed to the formation of the school of Professor A. Zhunisbek, and also describes the works of his students about the harmony and harmonization of sounds, historical phonetics, compared phonetics, sound phonetics (intonation) and phonetics used in the Kazakh language. In the festive evening, which is arranged in honor of the 80th birthday of A. Zhunisbek, it will be said about his achievements, that he has always fought for the true national formation of the Kazakh language, and that it occupies a separate place not only in the Kazakh language, but also throughout the Turkic world.
About the Author
A. A. KarshygayevaKazakhstan
Researcher, candidate of philological sciences
1. Қаршығаева А. Қазақ жасалым (артикуляциялық) фонетикасының дамуы мен қалыптасуы. – Алматы, филол. ғыл. канд. дисс., 2010 ж.
For citations:
Karshygayeva A.A. The pedagogical way. Tiltanym. 2018;(4):9-16. (In Kazakh)