


The article was dedicated to the important problem of the cinematic language. There are interesting factors about semantic level of the visual speech, metaphorical elements of language. Therefore, the fact on getting of objects other meaning in addition to their original ones,gives ground for speaking about proximity of poetry and film in semantic plan.
It is stated that, various comparisons made in horizontal direction both in poetry and screen texts always give the same results. Words connected to each other in horizontal line are turned into phrases; combination of phrases generates sentence in the cinematic language; sentences are turned into concrete idea.

About the Author

F. N. Mustafaev
National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi

Department of Applied Linguistics, Leading Researcher Republic of Azerbaijan



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For citations:

Mustafaev F.N. SYNTACTICAL STRUCTURE OF CINEMATIC LANGUAGE AND TEXT. Tiltanym. 2019;(2):22-30. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)