National component in the content of foreign language education
The use of a foreign language as a way of comprehending the world of special knowledge, familiarizing with the culture of one’s own and other peoples, a dialogue of different cultures, contributing to people’s awareness of belonging not only to their country, a particular civilization, but also to the planetary cultural community – all these ideas of a fatherland-oriented education are important for the Kazakh higher school, which implements the humanistic paradigm of education. Dissemination of cultural characteristics of the Kazakh people.
In order to master a foreign language culture, a systemic cultural base about one’s state is needed in order to ensure the pithiness of intercultural communication and popularize information about Kazakhstan abroad. The use of a foreign language as a way of comprehending the world of special knowledge, familiarizing oneself with the culture of one’s own and other nations, a dialogue of various cultures that promotes people’s awareness of not only their country, a certain civilization, but also the planetary cultural community.
About the Author
F. K. AtabayevaKazakhstan
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
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3. Бердяев Н. А. Самосознание / Н. А. Бердяев. – М., 1990. – С. 336.
4. Краевский В. В. Общие основы педагогики / В. В. Краевский. - М.: Академия, 2003. – С. 256.
5. Афанасьева А. Б. Этнокультурное образование: сущность, структура содержания, проблемы совершенствования / А. Б. Афанасьева // Проблемы педагогики и психологии. – 2009. – № 3. – С. 189.
For citations:
Atabayeva F.K. National component in the content of foreign language education. Tiltanym. 2018;(4):78-82. (In Russ.)