Language is the soul of the people (from the article of the Head of State "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe": thoughts that have arisen)
Along with the appearance of the universal human language, the Kazakh language has preserved its pristine purely Turkic nature. «The future of Kazakhstan is in the Kazakh language» is a clear evidence of what Elbasy said, without getting lost in unprecedented times, and the native language that has come down to our days. The Kazakh people, along with the en-tanba, widely use generic and tribal signs, which opens the way to the first alphabet of writing, which gave a whole word with one sign.
The article notes that according to the article «Seven Facets of the Great Steppe», in the VII-VIII centuries, the widespread use of Kazakh folklore and tribal nature was used in the field of linguistics, ethno-linguistics and the first Kazakh pictographic letter (pictorial letter) was used.
About the Author
E. BesirovKazakhstan
junior Researcher, Master’s student
Department of Applied Linguistics
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For citations:
Besirov E. Language is the soul of the people (from the article of the Head of State "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe": thoughts that have arisen). Tiltanym. 2018;(4):87-91. (In Kazakh)