


The article considers the potential of creating a system of categories of consistency and valence in the Kazakh language. To distinguish the typical types of phrases that make up the valence system, an experiment is carried out. In the Kazakh language, phrases are not enough to be divided into two parts: syntactic and lexical. The issue of expanding forms, concretizing patterns, in-depth study of the abilities of the valence of the Kazakh language will be considered. Compatibility is the main property of language units based on the syntagmatic relation. The syntagmatic relation is the ability of linguistic symbols to be harmoniously combined in accordance with the regularity of the language, depending on the order of the sequential arrangement in the composition of the text, sentence, word. Compatibility is a linguistic category that functions in all linguistic areas. The stereotypical concept “compatibility is a combination of two or more words” is recognized only as a form of grammatical compatibility. Thus, compatibility is an important category in determining the phonetic, lexical, morphological, and syntactic patterns of a language. Here compatibility is considered equally with the concept of valency. Because valence itself is the main indicator that refl the ability of all language units in the structure of the text, starting with the sound layer.

About the Authors

A. B. Amirbekova
Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages

Amirbekova Aigul – candidate of philological Sciences



L. Urakova
University Akdeniz

Urakova Lazzat



G. Talgat kyzy
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Gulnara Talgatovna – 2nd year doctoral student 



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For citations:

Amirbekova A.B., Urakova L., Talgat kyzy G. THE SYSTEM OF SEMANTIC VALENCY IN THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE. Tiltanym. 2021;(3):3-14. (In Kazakh)

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