Abbreviations in political discourse
Another peculiarity of political discourse is usage of quotations. Such quotations belong to its authors but then they can be widely used in political discourse. For example, «entangling alliances» – «іс-әрекет тәуелсіздігін шектейтін одақтар» (Т. Jefferson), «the evil empire» – «жауыздық Империясы» (R.Raegan), «a rendezvous with destiny» – «тағдырмен кездесу (F. Roosevelt)», «the silent majority» – «үнсіз көпшілік» (R. Nicolson) etc.
Political discourse contains lot’s of proper nouns as geographic and historical-cultural objects, names of countries and organs etc. In this case simultaneous interpreter masters transcription, calque, transliteration methods of interpreting.
About the Author
G. B. KhoshayevaKazakhstan
candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
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For citations:
Khoshayeva G.B. Abbreviations in political discourse. Tiltanym. 2018;(4):98-101.