The article examines the similarities and differences between the non-verbal techniques used in communication. At the same time, the meaning of a number of the nonverbal techniques used in context is defined. Non-verbal communication is realised through the use of different body parts, carrying a certain semantic sense. For example, nodding means greeting and saying goodbye, as well as disagreeing and being surprised. In communication, such gestures are often used in everyday life. Indeed, a person cannot communicate without using gestures when communicating, because non-verbal components are the play that clarifies the meaning of words, gives them additional meaning and contributes to a more accurate and clear expression of thoughts.
The authors argue that gestures in communication, although similar in origin through the use of various non-verbal techniques, including the use of hands, head, eyes, etc., in terms of semantics convey different meanings in the communication of Kazakhs, Russians and other ethnic groups, and point out that some gestures are not used in the same meaning by all people. It also includes specific examples of fiction works related to similarities and differences of non-verbal techniques in communication.
About the Authors
M. P. EshimovKazakhstan
S. R. Nurtileuova
S. K. Kulmanov
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Eshimov M.P., Nurtileuova S.R., Kulmanov S.K. NON-VERBAL COMPONENTS OF COMMUNICATION: SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES. Tiltanym. 2022;86(2):17-27.