The article is devoted to the linguistic historical and cognitive study of onomastic names common to the Turkological science found in the Korkyt work, the common heritage of the Kipchak-Oguz epoch. The author claims that recently, when considering the names of names in historical songs and legends relating to each Kazakh epoch, there are still unresolved problems.
Of great scientific importance is the identification of patterns of language development, language layers, deep knowledge of the history of the native land through a comprehensive historical and linguistic study of the materials of the poem based on the opinions of domestic and foreign researchers. Therefore, within the framework of one article, it is impossible to conduct a comprehensive linguistic analysis of onomastic names in the Korkyt legend, which is a common heritage for the Oguz-Kipchak tribes.
The study of onomastic names in historical tales and legends characteristic of the Oguz- Kipchak epoch as a whole, combined with the achievements of modern science, is one of the main problems of Turkology, including Kazakh onomastics. In the article, an attempt is made to study the names of tribes and tribes found in the song "Korkyt" in a linguistic context.
About the Author
M. KozhanulyKazakhstan
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For citations:
Kozhanuly M. ABOUT SOME GENERIC NAMES IN THE SONG «KORKYT». Tiltanym. 2022;(4):34-40. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.55491/2411-6076-2022-4-34-40