


The article is devoted to the consideration of synergetics as a new scientific direction. The disclosure of the paradigmatic essence of the concept of synergetics, which is important for modern science, seems to be a very urgent problem.
The article examines the basic concept of linguosynergetics as a new direction in modern linguistics, analyzes the views and concepts of scientists involved in the study of the concept of "synergy". Synergetics is a new interdisciplinary discipline, the subject of its research is the processes of self-organization of various complex systems, at present one of the most important problems is the definition of its methodological apparatus and the search for the most complete definition. Synergetics is a scientific direction, a methodological method, a self-organizer of complex, non-linear complex systems. Science of the twentieth century through selfdevelopment gradually formed its new paradigm, which in the early 70 G. Haken called "synergetics".
Today, synergetics has become actively used in the field of integrated humanities. The problem of synergy, as in the natural sciences, began to penetrate into linguistics in accordance with the nature of integration and organization of the internal laws of the language. In accordance with the anthropocentric orientation of modern linguistics, in the process of learning a language, the definition of the actualized synergy of the word began to be considered.

About the Author

A. Kozhahmetova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


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For citations:

Kozhahmetova A. SYNERGETIC PARADIGM IN LINGUISTICS. Tiltanym. 2022;(4):41-50. (In Kazakh)

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