


The research paper is dedicated to the neuro-linguistic study of the relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication. The authors differentiate the features of verbal and nonverbal communication and describe their relationship from the neuro-linguistic and psilinguistic points of view.
The aim of the study is to prove on the basis of experiments the neuropsycholinguistic features of verbal and nonverbal communication, the main neurobiological reasons for their parallelism and synchronicity. The paper analyzes the conclusions and judgments of world and domestic scientists on the study of verbal and sign language at the intersection of cosmetology and neurobiology, semiotic sciences, on the synchronicity of verbal and nonverbal signs. In order to clarify the synchronicity of verbal language and non-verbal means of communication a number of experiments, neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic experiments were conducted by foreign neurolinguistic scientists and psychologists to verify scientific assumptions about the parallelism of speech and gestures. According to ballistic understanding, information exchange occurs only at the stages of planning a speech act and non-verbal movement, but as soon as they begin the communication process, the two systems become independent. As a result, the authors differentiated and determined the mutual influence, the ratio of verbal and nonverbal communication, synchronicity, and the close connection of language and gestures.

About the Authors

G. A. Eskermesova
Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University


A. S. Murzinova
Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University


A. G. Sembayeva
Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University



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For citations:

Eskermesova G.A., Murzinova A.S., Sembayeva A.G. NEURO-LINGUISTIC INTERRELATION OF VERBAL AND NO N-VERBAL COMMUNICATION. Tiltanym. 2023;(2):117-126. (In Kazakh)

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