


Any speech act is based on the communicative purpose of the speaker and is aimed at expressing the communicative strategy and tactics, pragmatics, and emotional and expressive point of view of the addressee. At the same time, the paper aims to determine the pragmatics of the interrogative speech act and the communicative strategies conveyed by interrogative sentences.

In the course of the study, the following communicative strategies of the interrogative speech act in the Kazakh language were identified: request (exchange) of information, clarification of information, greeting, search, knowledge of another person's opinion, knowledge of someone else's intention of approval/disapproval, demonstration of one's numerous knowledge, striving for understanding, attracting attention (interest), determining the winner, request, consultation (advice), proposal, request for permission, verification, investigation, counterattack, justify, warning, refusal, accusation (reproach), ordering, forbidding, intimidation and mixed strategy. 

The communicative strategies used in the interrogative speech act in the Kazakh language are not limited to those listed above. Since all human language communication consists of informative, interrogative, and imperative sentences, interrogative sentences make up a quarter of these speech acts. Of course, informative offers carry a lot of weight. Nevertheless, interrogative sentences also have the great function of establishing universal language communication.

The results of the study are of great scientific and practical importance in the field of pragmatics, theory of speech act, etc., which are new areas in Kazakh linguistics.

About the Authors

B. K. Yelikbayev
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University


G. D. Koshikbayeva
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University


A. O. Ybyrayim
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University



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Supplementary files


For citations:

Yelikbayev B.K., Koshikbayeva G.D., Ybyrayim A.O. COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES EXPRESSED BY INTERROGATIVE SPEECH ACTS IN THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE. Tiltanym. 2023;89(1):90-108. (In Kazakh)

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