In recent years, in Kazakh linguistics, special importance has been attached to the content and meaning in connection with the activation of the problem of cognitive study of language units. There are materials in science concerning polysemy, and yet this linguistic phenomenon remains relevant. The fact is that language, being a living phenomenon, grows and develops. The development of language means the expansion of the meaning of the word, the acquisition of a new character. The main reason for the increase in the meaning of words at the present stage is associated with the expansion of the subject, phenomena, their properties, functions, as well as broad cognition. Some words may continue to develop unstably. Recently, external factors have been influencing words and their meanings. Due to this, polysemous words appear. The appearance of polysemous words is also a time-consuming process.
The main purpose of our research work is the analysis of monosyllabic polysemous words from a lexico-semantic point of view, with an emphasis on the specifics of use. To achieve this goal, the structure and methods of creating monosyllabic polysemous words are defined; the word-formation features of monosyllabic polysemous words were revealed; monosyllabic polysemous words in the language of monuments were identified, which were supposed to be compared with the facts of the modern Kazakh language. These results have been achieved. The research is important for the history of language and historical semantics.
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For citations:
Pashan D.M. THE NATURE OF MONOSYLLABIC POLYSEMOUS WORDS. Tiltanym. 2022;86(2):59-76. (In Kazakh)