


The research paper considers the speech etiquette in the Kazakh and Chuvash languages, belonging to a family of Turkic languages, from the point of view of the genealogical origin of the language, based on the formula of welcome. Speech etiquette is an inextricable part of the culture of any country. Its basic structure consists of special lexical units - speech formulas used in situations that take place in different contexts. Functional study of speech formulas allows to classify models of speech etiquette with equivalents in the Kazakh and Chuvash languages. The purpose and objectives of the study - functional-linguistic analysis of the use of greeting formulas in Kazakh and Chuvash, to consider the theoretical aspects of speech communication, to describe some parameters of etiquette formulations, to analyze thematic themes and also to reveal speech formulas by different methods. Research methods include analysis, synthesis, and linguistic analysis based on culturological, ethnographic, and social features. As a result of the research, the authors come to the conclusion that the speech formulas of two languages have general drawings and inconsistencies, conditioned by different factors. The similarities and differences in speech behavior in these languages are reflected in the basic welcome models.

About the Authors

A. K. Yebelekbayeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


G. N. Smagulova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



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For citations:

Yebelekbayeva A.K., Smagulova G.N. SPEECH ETIQUETTE IN THE KAZAKH AND CHUVASH LANGUAGES (BASED ON GREETINGS). Tiltanym. 2023;(2):107-116. (In Kazakh)

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