


The paper substantiates the need to include in the national corpus of the Kazakh language the names of material culture in the system of ethnocultural units of the Kazakh language through their description, as well as the need for their marking in the corpus.

Ethnocultural units are linguistic symbols with a large cumulative function, reflecting the national identity of the Kazakh language, preserving the language, traditions, worldview, and spiritual world of the nation. Therefore, the language is supported by national culture.

Currently, intensive language study is being conducted in an anthropocentric direction. In this regard, the deepening and expansion of the process in this direction are determined by the relevance of the assembly of national buildings. The national corpus of the Kazakh language is a modern innovative and informational tool that serves as a guardian of such national cultural units in a broad way, a carrier of them for generations.

The research paper describes the ways of introducing ethnocultural units into the National Corpus of the Kazakh language: coding, modeling, and using algorithmic and programmatic approaches when introducing ethnocultural units into the National Corpus. First of all, collecting ethnocultural units that are the basis for creating the corpus base, determining their cultural and semantic groups and compiling a list of words related to this the group. Transfer each of them to professional programmers only after applying the markup code. Programmers must work on a certain algorithm and carry out further processing. Works to be done in the future are considered as well.

The research work is dedicated to the consideration of the issues of inclusion in the corpus of the Kazakh language of markings defined based on the National corpus of the Kazakh language (morphological, word-formation, semantic, lexical, phonetic, and phonological markings) as cultural and semantic markings.

About the Authors

A. S. Barmenkulova
Kazakh National University Al Farabi


A. A. Zhanabekova
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


Z. A. Mankeeva
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics



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For citations:

Barmenkulova A.S., Zhanabekova A.A., Mankeeva Z.A. WAYS OF TRANSMISSION OF ETHNOCULTURAL UNITS IN THE CORPUS. Tiltanym. 2023;89(1):56-66. (In Kazakh)

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