This paper describes the essence of courtesy Ethics in Kazakh and Chinese proverbs, the connection of the history of origin with folk culture and traditions, and the originality and principles of national traditions that are inherent in the people. There have been explored the thematic series of «respect», «dignity» and «gratitude». The study emphasizes that ethics in Kazakh and Chinese society is based on basic verbal principles and laws in accordance with the national traditions and respect relations with each other.
The history of the origin and the usage of Proverbs are diverse. In this regard, the study describes the ethnocultural and spiritual cultural similarities (gratitude, respect, understanding, attention, etc.) of the manifestation of relations between the Kazakh and Chinese peoples, which differ in religion and mentality.
The long-established history and the habitat of the Kazakh and Chinese peoples are still inextricably linked with folk wisdom, lifestyle, and behavior in society. So, the proverbs and sayings on the topic of politeness are closely related to the internal factors of these countries, the principles of the management of the families, the countries, and the principles of respect for the older and the younger have survived to this day and are of great importance in the role of the state and society. The paper contains examples of proverbs on the topic of etiquette related to the place they occupy in the upbringing of future generations, covering the customs and practices of ancestors.
About the Authors
А. IbraimovaKazakhstan
R. Dossymbekova
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For citations:
Ibraimova А., Dossymbekova R. ETHNOLINGUISTIC CHARACTER OF «ETIQUETTE /礼貌» IN KAZAKH AND CHINESE PROVERBS. Tiltanym. 2023;(2):97-106. (In Kazakh)