The paper is dedicated to the study of the concepts of stereotypes, cliches, stamps, and standards widely used in linguistic science. In world linguistics, these terms are used concerning the problems of word culture and stylistics, affecting the issues of cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguistics, linguoculturology and word usage. In linguistic research, definitions such as a model of stable stereotypical thinking or ready-made speech turns, the reuse of language units in a ready-made form in relation to the concepts of a stereotype, cliche, and stamp in the language are often used. The main reason for this is that in the course of communication, public experience tries to simplify the process of information exchange, standardizing the form of content, transmitting information, and fixing it as a speech form. In this regard, the views and conclusions of some scholars in world linguistics are described and analyzed to determine the complex nature of these concepts and their representation in language. Based on them, an attempt is made to differentiate the mutual similarities and differences between the concepts of stereotype, cliche, and stamp in the language. The features of their use in functional speech styles are also analyzed to identify the positive or negative impact of the phenomena of stereotypes, cliche, and stamps on the speech process.
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For citations:
Seidamat A. STANDARDIZATION OF LANGUAGE UNITS: STEREOTYPE, CLICHE, STAMP. Tiltanym. 2023;89(1):210-220. (In Kazakh)