The article explores the formulaic nature of epic repetition in the oral tradition of the Kazakh Zhyrau XV–XVIII centuries. It manifests itself in its two main functions – expressive and pictorial. The main purpose of the article is to reveal the aesthetic and functional nature of epic repetition, to identify its features as a technical acceptance, and to trace its initial origins – rhythmed spells, suggestive magical realities, and its primary transformations. In the course of the research, we used historical-genetic, structural-semantic, hermeneutic methods and the method of the oral theory of Parry-Lord (oral tradition). The theoretical value of the methods used lies in the fact that they made it possible to reveal the genetic nature of epic repetition and the peculiarities of its functioning in traditional poetic art. The formulaic and stylistic patterns of various types of sound repetition – anaphora, verbal rhyme, monorym, rediff, etc. – were studied for the first time on the material of the individual author's oral poetry of Zhyrau of the XV–XVIII centuries. The practical value of the article and its justification lies in the writing of the monograph "The Poetic word in myth, ritual and ritual" and the preparation of a "Poetic Dictionary of the frequency of formulaic units" within the framework of the scientific project "Research of the artistic-determinative system, "formulaic stylistics" and grammar of poetry of Zhyrau XV–XVIII centuries. Frequency dictionary" (under the Program of grant financing of scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2021-2023 by the MSHE RK, IRN AP09261377).
About the Authors
K. ZhanabayevKazakhstan
A. Maulenov
A. Sh. Turgenbaev
A. M. Fazylzhanova
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For citations:
Zhanabayev K., Maulenov A., Turgenbaev A.Sh., Fazylzhanova A.M. REPETITION IN THE ORAL TRADITION OF ZHYRAU: EXPRESSIVENESS AND FIGURATIVENESS OF THE ARTISTIC IMAGE. Tiltanym. 2023;89(1):109-124. (In Russ.)