


The problem of determining cultural components, folk knowledge, and information in onomastic names, including the semantics of toponyms, which are in a "hidden" state for most linguistic domains, become relevant due to the current linguistic situation. The cultural semantics of onyms is represented in rational and irrational knowledge and information. The paper aims to show the representation of rational and irrational folk knowledge in the cultural semantics of toponyms and mythonyms, consisting of the names of species-colour attributes, plants, and numbers. The main idea of the study is to use examples to prove that the type of rational knowledge concentrates on cultural empirical information relating to the practical life of the population, while the type of irrational knowledge concentrates on esoteric knowledge representing religious, animistic, mythological, and folk beliefs. In the introductory part, the close relationship between language and culture was substantiated based on the works of renowned authors. It was shown that toponymic names are a product of cultural thinking, which accumulates the knowledge of the ethnos in the process of mastering the environment, as well as a variety of information. The main method used in the work is the anthropogenic direction. Considered within the framework of topological space as a research method, the language matrix method reveals deeply rooted cultural semantics. The method of extrapolation shows that the folk toponymic patterns are based on the motivation for natural naming common to the Kazakh linguistic culture as a whole. In the section, main results toponyms are divided into several subsections. The representation of cultural information in the semantics of the names of speciesflowers, plants, numbers, and sacred names, their implicit properties are analyzed. The processes of objectification of the types of rational knowledge in the cultural semantics of toponyms as a product of the subject's (individual and ethnocultural collective) mental activity are considered.

It has been established that the semantics of sacred names reflects the moral and ethical values of the ethnos. The scientific value of the study is explained by the fact that linguistics expands the theoretical base of the field of linguocultural studies and contributes to it. 

The practical value of the findings is due to the fact that they can serve as material to enrich the base of linguocultural dictionaries, corpus linguistics, and culturally representative texts. 

About the Authors

K. Rysbergen
A.Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


N. Uali
A.Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics



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