


In the presented article, the historical phenomena of the system of vocalism of the Kypchak group of related languages will be determined according to the main stages of the development of the Turkic languages. When comparing the vocalism of the Kypchak Turkic languages, common and distinctive features of phonological systems are revealed.  

The purpose of the scientific research is to carry out a phonetic-phonological analysis of vowel sounds (vocalism system) based on the Kypchak group of Turkic languages. 

Phonological phenomena influencing the development and formation of phonetic systems will be considered in a diachronic aspect. When analyzing the sound system of the Turkic languages by the comparative historical method, the Kazakh language is compared with the Tatar, Karakalpak, Nogai, Bashkir, Karashai, Balkar languages belonging to the Kypchak typological group. We hope that in the future, taking into account the historical development and typological features of each group of languages, coupled with their universal properties, it will be possible to reconstruct the phonological model of the Proto-Turkic language. In the proposed article, the sound changes of the Kypchak group of languages are considered from a new angle, which will contribute to the further development of linguistic science, the identification of general patterns for other levels of languages, the explanation of the changes taking place in the language, and the prediction of the ways of its development. The study of the historical phonology of the Kazakh language in a comparative historical aspect with other related Turkic, in particular the Kypchak languages close to us, testifies to the theoretical significance of the work. The work is also of great practical importance: historical phonology opens the way to solving unexplored problems of historical grammar, historical lexicology and etymology. 

About the Author

Z. M. Bazarbayeva
Akhmet Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics



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For citations:

Bazarbayeva Z.M. EVOLUTION OF VOFES (VOCALISM) IN THE TURKIC (KYPCHAK) LANGUAGES. Tiltanym. 2023;89(1):34-43. (In Kazakh)

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