THE LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE CONCEPT IN MODERN TURKIC LANGUAGES (on the materials of the Kazakh, Turkish and Uzbek languages)
One of the priority tasks of modern linguistics and the humanities is the study of language in the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm. The purpose of this article is to determine the degree of study of the concept, which is the main unit of cognitive linguistics and cultural linguistics in modern Turkic languages (Kazakh, Turkish, Uzbek). The article also touches upon such a complex phenomenon as the concept sphere, which has a national character. The importance of the need for in-depth conceptual research in the comparative aspect of the Turkic languages (Kazakh, Turkish, Uzbek) is determined. Nowadays, fundamental research is carried out in the study of the concept in Kazakh and Uzbek linguistics, but Turkish linguistics cannot yet be included into this list. However, the issue of the theoretical study of the concept in the Turkic languages (Kazakh, Turkish and Uzbek) in general, diachronic and synchronic analysis of the structure of the concept, identification of the concepts of the ancient Turkic worldview found in the written heritage and the problem of the need of their comprehensive analysis were considered. The importance of supplementing the linguistic reservoir of Turkic languages (Kazakh, Turkish, Uzbek) with comparative research was identified. During the research, the works of domestic and foreign scientists were analyzed, works on the study of the concept and the concept sphere in modern Turkic languages (Kazakh, Turkish, Uzbek) were selected and the obtained scientific information was synthesized. Research on this direction in the Kazakh, Turkish and Uzbek linguistics has been classified. The results of the study are used in comparative research in the field of cognitive linguistics in the Turkic languages, giving lectures on the discipline of «Cognitive linguistics» for students and applicants of the specialty of philology and Turkic studies.
About the Authors
N. Sh. KaliyevaKazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University
A. M. Zhalalova
Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov
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For citations:
Kaliyeva N.Sh., Zhalalova A.M. THE LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE CONCEPT IN MODERN TURKIC LANGUAGES (on the materials of the Kazakh, Turkish and Uzbek languages). Tiltanym. 2023;(3):63-71. (In Kazakh)