


The word taarof is widely used in the modern speech etiquette of Iranians. Taarof is known as a form of polite literature in Iranian culture. The thorough study of taarof is important for the theory and application of intercultural communication. Therefore, the article analyzes the theoretical studies of scientists about taarof, considers the main postulates of the theory of politeness and issues of national features of speech etiquette in Persian culture, and lastly it analyzes the linguistic nature of taarof used by Iranians in everyday real communication.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the taarof in speech etiquette of Iranians. In this regard, to study the rules of using the polite form of communication between the addresser and the addressee and the scope of application of taarof in speech etiquette among Iranian peoples from the point of view of linguistic culture and traditions. The methodology of researching the issues in the article is closely related to the fields of linguistics, sociology, and pragmalinguistics. Analysis, description, and empirical and social scientific research methods are used in the course of the research on the speech etiquette of Iranians.

According to the research of scientists, people's communication with each other should be based on the national mentality and its own laws, rules, and principles established in that place. Admittedly, it is true that people living in that environment prosper and mature according to the development of society. A learner of any language should know the mentality, worldview, and traditions of the country where he is learning the language in order to implement the language etiquette of that nation because cultural differences might have a negative impact on the relationship or create obstacles.

When a language learner travels to the country of Iran,it is important for intercultural communication knows the cultural, linguistic and behavioural differences of that country.

It is effective to use the results of the research in the teaching of the Persian language to language learners and in the research work of students.

About the Author

R.  K. Sadykova
Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University



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