Objects, phenomena, their adjectives, and movements – all are reflected in language. One of the systems formed in language in marking the linguistic image of the world is word formation. The article analyzes the theoretical concepts of verb word formation in the Kazakh language, the formation of action lexical units, including the lexical-semantic nature and grammatical features of compound verbs formed by auxiliary verbs. The word-formation persons involved in the formation of compound verbs, which are the result of the analytical method of word-formation – nouns and imitation words in the leading position and auxiliary verbs that perform the word-formation function are analyzed structurally and semantically. In addition, the characteristics of semantic integrity, morphological integrity and syntactic integrity, which are characteristic of compound verbs, are supported by examples of specific linguistic data. The peculiarities of the compound verbs are determined by comparing them with similar linguistic phenomena, in particular, compound verbs, analytical forms of verbs, idiomatic verbs and complex grammatical forms formed by the combination of auxiliary verbs edi. There is also a paradigm of transformation with the indicators of its verb categories, which show the morphological integrity of the compound verbs, in particular, with the indicators of the categories of mood, mood, tense, positive-negative, the nautre of the movement.
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For citations:
Zholshayeva M.S. LEXICAL AND GRAMMATICAL FEATURES OF COMPOUND VERBS IN KAZAKH LANGUAGE. Tiltanym. 2022;185(1):44-54. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.55491/2411-6076-2022-1-43-52