


The topical issue today is the study of the pragmastylistics of Kazakh radio. Despite the fact that the history of Kazakh radio has been studied well enough, the pragmatics and stylistics of the programs did not become the object of research. Another reason for the relevance of the study of pragmatic radio broadcasts is that recently radio journalism has departed from the classical canons. Genres are being transformed, the relevance of broadcasts, and news reports is losing, an increase in thematic and musical programs as a result, an increase in dialogues, and the prevalence of oral style over journalistic. The linguistic features of radio programs form the pragmatic basis of the genre. Therefore, this paper examines the linguistic features, pragmatics, and stylistic features of modern radio in the example of Kazakh radio. It is discussed what language techniques the presenter uses to achieve the pragmatic goal of the audience (addressee). The paper provides for pragmastylistic features of modern Kazakh radio and characteristics different from other types of mass media. Programs transmitted on Kazakh radio provide for compliance with the linguistic features of today's radio, pragmatics of programs, and style features. It is discussed that the driver carries out the pragmatic purpose of the audience (addressee) using which language approaches.

About the Authors

A. Anarbek
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


D. A. Alkebaeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Zh. B. Satkenova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



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For citations:

Anarbek A., Alkebaeva D.A., Satkenova Zh.B. PRAGMASTYLISTIC OF MODERN KAZAKH RADIO. Tiltanym. 2023;(2):39-48.

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