The article discusses the problematic issues of discourse analysis and presents information about the existence of important works and different points of view of foreign linguists, which many researchers should know: students, graduate students, doctoral students, scientists and others. Special attention is paid to the controversial issue of discourse analysis (Diskursanalysis), discussion of definitions, interpretation of text units, models of interactions of certain categories, such as social activity, information competence, etc. The cognitive-psychological approach to discursive analysis is one of the popular presentations of the latest achievements of linguistic science. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the article is to illustrate the methods of discursive-linguistic research aimed at conducting own analysis. In this regard, the work includes key questions, theoretical discussions from the point of view of Germanic, practical and classical examples, scientific concepts, definitions recognized by many researchers, criteria for arranging texts, personal observations. In the article, there was a place for the main concepts and other information that contributed to the disclosure, deepening, and updating of some discourse units. A significant contribution is also the point of view of the authors, bringing special arguments and concepts for understanding and scientificlinguistic application of the discourse. The benefit of various types of research is to create a basis for applied linguistics that goes beyond functional pragmatics. We hope that these or other principles of analysis will help to understand the problems, they will also be prerequisites for the heuristic/search hypothesis, for the development of ideas in the study of language paradigms of related studies.
About the Authors
L. E. SalzhanovaKazakhstan
R. M. Baktiyarova
Raigul Muratovna Baktiyarova
Zh. T. Mamyrkhanova
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For citations:
Salzhanova L.E., Baktiyarova R.M., Mamyrkhanova Zh.T. COGNITIVE-PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH TO DISCURSIVE ANALYSIS. Tiltanym. 2023;(3):153-162. (In Russ.)