


The paper is dedicated to the structure and function of dialogue in the text of a work of fiction. The human traits have many different characteristics. Each person is known by his/her own character. In a work of fiction, a character remains in the reader's memory along with his appearance and character. The character of every personage in the text of a literary work can be different. That is why the character of the personage leaves a positive or negative, pleasant or unpleasant impression. In the paper, character traits are differentiated and clarified through dialogues.
The research paper defines that the structure of the dialogue in the text of a work of art can be called a complex syntactic unity. It consists of such parts as a dialogue introduction, a dialogue, and an author's introduction, and these parts are closely related to each other in meaning, structure, and intonation. The function of the remark in the structure of the dialogue in the artwork is special. It is believed that the simplest and first function of a remark is to express whose opinion it is, for what purpose, under what circumstances, and how it was expressed. Through the remark, various movements, views, and faces of the speakers are revealed, thereby revealing the inner world of a person. At the same time, the remark expresses the author's opinion and his/her point of view. The phenomenon of repeating remarks in the structure of the dialogue is illustrated by examples. The function of dialogue in the text of a work of fiction is represented by such types of dialogue as dialogue-story, dialogue-humor, dialogue-dispute, dialogue-characteristic, as well as the internal character of the personages, appearance, attitude to other characters, and the character is clearly identified. The function of the dialogue is analyzed in the paper using examples. Repetitions in the structure of the dialogue also have their place. This shows the stylistic features of the writer. The paper says that repetitions, reference words (replicas), and the connections between them show the special traits of the character, his/her own expression in colloquial speech.
The research work was based on studies related to dialogue participation in teaching foreign languages and mother tongues. The study takes into account the fact that in literary works the speech act is linguistically analyzed and the speech act of the characters corresponds to speech ethics, the communicative units of the language are clearly expressed in the nationalcultural aspect. A descriptive method is used for context-pragmatic analysis, a structural-semantic method – for analyzing the function and structure of dialogical conversations.

About the Authors

T. Ramazanov
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


A. Sadyk
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



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For citations:

Ramazanov T., Sadyk A. DIALOGUE IN A LITERARY TEXT: STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS. Tiltanym. 2023;(2):200-210. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
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