


Loanwords are often found in the works of the great Kazakh poet Abai. Abai, uses such words more, especially in words of edification. The thinker, who has a good command of the Turkic-Chagatai written language, uses Arabic-Persian borrowings in his works in a version close to the original, as in a book style. Therefore, borrowed words from Eastern languages are much more common in Abai than Russianisms. Words borrowed from the Russian language are few, and many of them occur in a form adapted to the Kazakh spoken language, as in the written language of the late XIX century. Since the poet often used Russianisms for stylistic purposes, he tried to give his spelling the form of the language of the people. However, in all collections of Abai's works published in Soviet times and published at the present time, some words from the Russian language are presented in the same version as in the original language. Note that Abai's works in the Mursei t manuscript of 1907 and in the collection of Arabic writing of 1909 of the St. Petersburg Publishing House are not written as in Russian, but adapted to the law of pronunciation of the Kazakh language. The article analyzes the spelling of Russianisms in Abai's works based on the materials of the original manuscripts.

About the Authors

M. Adilov
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


Sh. Kurmanbaiuly
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University



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For citations:

Adilov M., Kurmanbaiuly Sh. ON THE PROBLEM OF SPELLING OF RUSSIANISMS IN ABAI'S WORKS. Tiltanym. 2023;(2):62-73. (In Kazakh)

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