


Language is the main tool that constitutes human capital, as language can influence the economic, social development of the individual as well as influencing economic decisions. The economic relationship between languages in the economy is holistic as the national language of a country with a developed economy gains status and expands, followed by positive changes in the economy. Research into this phenomenon has, in turn, contributed to the emergence of a new branch of science called linguoeconomics.
The purpose of the paper is to show the transformation of contemporary Kazakh national economic consciousness in comparison to the periods before and after independence. As well as to provide an insight into the concept of economic discourse. In the study economic discourse was considered as a type of institutional discourse, first of all, the concept of "economic discourse" was defined, and the main differences and characteristic features of economic discourse from other types of institutional discourse were identified.
The importance of economic consciousness nowadays, its linguistic study actualizes the paper, because economic consciousness, like any other type of consciousness, its transformation, and improvement is carried out only in connection with language. The expression of consciousness is systematically represented in language, these representations are universal, especially because changes in the lexical layer occur faster than in the other layer. Therefore, lexical units have been taken to the subject of the research discussed in the paper.

About the Authors

A. Baimyrza
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


C. Beletsky
Higher School of Economics
Russian Federation


K. Duysen
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


A. Piyazbayev
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


A. Fazylzhanova
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics



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For citations:

Baimyrza A., Beletsky C., Duysen K., Piyazbayev A., Fazylzhanova A. LINGUOECONOMICS AND REPRESENTATION OF TRANSFORMATION OF ECONOMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. Tiltanym. 2023;(2):82-89. (In Kazakh)

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