In Kazakh phraseology, a special group consists of phraseological units of religious origin. The specifics of the study of such phraseological units is the need to focus on religious sources. In phraseological units of religious origin, both religious and secular worldviews are represented in the Kazakh language. Therefore, such phraseological units were considered in the paper not as «religious», but as «based on religion».
The purpose of the study is to describe the structural and semantic features of phraseological units of religious origin. In this regard, the tasks are set to show the space of their use and their connection with religious sources.
One of the peculiarities of the connection of Kazakh phraseological units with the Quran, hadith is that phraseological units are not reflected in the Quran, hadith in the same lexical composition, i.e. they are not extracted from religious writ ings, but are semantically related to their texts. Phraseological units related to religious rites, religious personalities, religious folklore, religious morality are referred thematically to this group. The figurative and situational motivation of such phraseological units is connected with the religious folk knowledge of native speakers of the Kazakh language.
Phraseological units of religious origin in the Kazakh language are structurally divided into phraseological units in the form of a phrase and phraseological units in the form of a sentence.
In Kazakh phraseological units of religious origin, only three lexemes act as the lexical core: Allah (God, Tengri), iman, and sacred numbers.
Religious folklore, especially religious epics, has a special place in the formation of Kazakh phraseological units of religious origin. Therefore, linguistic facts were collected and analyzed from religious epics, as well as from the phraseological dictionary.
About the Authors
Zh. A. ZhakupovKazakhstan
K. S. Karibay
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For citations:
Zhakupov Zh.A., Karibay K.S. PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS OF RELIGIOUS ORIGIN. Tiltanym. 2023;(2):127-136. (In Kazakh)