


This article attempts to analyze the text of R. Powers’s literary work "The Overstory" to identify the author's guidelines for producing the semantic content and new linguistic phenomena that modify the compatibility of significant lexical units in the composition of utterances. Based on the theory of author's consciousness (AC), introduced by the Doctor of philological sciences Butakova L.O., the conducted analysis allows defining the "author's" in the text, referring the researchers to the text producer’s linguistic personality. According to the researchers, the MEMORY concept is an essential component of the producer's concept system, acting as a source of semantic content and a bridge between the past (MEMORY) and the fictional (QUASI MEMORY). The content analysis of the text-discourse is carried out with the identification of markers of the textual content of the "global novel" according to the definition of the Italian researcher of the narrative Possamai D. These markers are precedent names, internationalisms, proper names indicating historical and geographical realities, non-usual verbal usage with a modification of the compatibility of lexical units and signs of sub-genre diffusion, manifested in the mixture of artistic and journalistic styles. The revealed data make it possible to establish the modification possibilities of natural language (English, American version), the degree of its flexibility in "support" of the author's statements, and the formation of new meanings.

About the Authors

K. A. Myachin
M.Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

Konstantin Aleksandrovich Myachin - Candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer at the "Germanic and Romance Philology" Department.


M. K. Abayeva
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Madina Kabylkyzy Abayeva - Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, the Department of Russian Language and Literature


I. A. Olkova
M.Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

Irina Aleksandrovna Olkova - Candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer at the "Germanic and Romance Philology" Department.



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For citations:

Myachin K.A., Abayeva M.K., Olkova I.A. PARAMETERS OF TEXT-DISCOURSE IN R. POWERS’S WORK “THE OVERSTORY”. Tiltanym. 2023;(3):112-117.

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