


Knowledge of the worldview, thinking, civilization, and culture of certain people through language, and its information is one of the urgent problems at present. The study of the system and status, level, ethnolinguistic character, meanings, internal and external sources of development of titles and positions of the Kazakh society in the past, which has developed in the course of historical development, is the main purpose of the research work. Therefore, of particular importance is the disclosure of the ethnolinguistic nature of the original names of positions in the Kazakh language, and the definition of their ethnocultural meanings. The studied language lexicon stores not only cultural information related to the governance of the country, and its official title, but also valuable data reflecting the culture, mentality, views, and worldview of the Kazakh people, and its identity, therefore they are a valuable heritage with a spiritual chronicle character preserved throughout history and time; names of titles and positions in the formation of the Kazakh ethnos shows the continuity of culture, characterizes the state of Kazakh society in different epochs, trends of formation, development. In the modern information society, the main source of the transfer and preservation of cultural values to future generations is the introduction of cultural concepts into the database of National Corpora. Information about what any word means also creates the necessary query for the user. Therefore, along with the lexical meaning of the word sought in national corpora, the provision of information about the cultural semantics of cultural units is of paramount importance for native speakers. Linguistic and cultural units and the system of cultural knowledge about them, as well as the bank accumulator of cultural texts, this is the Linguistic and cultural sub-corpus of the Kazakh language. Since this type of sub-corpus is an extensive cultural and linguistic fund of the Kazakh language, the texts and themes of cultural units included in it are becoming more diverse. Cultural and semantic markup is a system of knowledge about the culture of a nation encoded in the semantic structure of words. The unit that stores the system of cultural knowledge in its internal form is the word, that is, the so-called units of culture.

About the Authors

N. M. Ashimbayeva
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


A. A. Zhanabekova
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics



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