


The article deals with the problem of linguistic reflection and its implementation through the relationship between consciousness and linguistic activity. The problem of linguistic reflection is one of the urgent problems in modern Kazakh linguistics. Consideration of reflection in relation to language forms the basis of the concept of language reflection, and language has been shown to be an important tool in its definition. The materialization or verbalization of information that entered the human mind through language corresponds to the concept of linguistic reflection.

The scientific work proposes a model of the process of language reflection. A review of the scientific understanding of the levels of linguistic consciousness was made, and the marking of information by a language unit and the transmission of the speaker's thoughts as an indicator of the connection between language and consciousness was presented by an analysis of an excerpt from A. Kunanbayev's poem. Linguistic units used in speech facts were considered from the point of view of the mental aspect. In the research work, definitions of the terms consciousness, linguistic consciousness, reflection, and reflexive are given and their meaning is revealed. The article uses methods of analysis, synthesis, description, and modeling based on the work of researchers of the concepts of language and consciousness, language, and reflection.

The article aims to analyze the relationship between consciousness and language activity in the process of language reflection and present a model of language reflection. Achieving this goal includes the collection of theoretical data related to the use of the term "reflection" in various fields of science, a review of works that study the problem of language reflection, the definition of a model of the process of language reflection and the corresponding analysis of language units.

About the Authors

P. S. Sydyk
K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University


K. K. Sadirova
K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University



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